Saturday, May 1, 2010

mayday, mayhem, may i try again?

I need to write every day. I want to write every day. I need you to want me to write every day. Things feel especially difficult to balance lately and I'm not sure why *cough*premenopause*cough*, but May's nablopomo theme is "look up" so that's what I'm doing.

Good stuff in my world that I haven't blogged about but totally should have:

  1. Disneyland!
  2. Visiting with amazing, lovely SoCal bloggers & good friend from elementary school at Disneyland
  3. Visiting with best guy friend from high school & his beautiful family at Disneyland
  4. Visiting with best girlfriend from high school (not at Disneyland but still fantastic)
  5. My school's first prom - complete with streamers & shiny stars and without spiked punch, freak dancing, sex in bathrooms, or other potential teen horrors
  6. Recovery, rehabilitation, and return to school of our injured student
  7. Getting poetry students to recite for other classes on Poem in Your Pocket Day
  8. Fitting into cute shoes again
  9. Regularly going out to 80s Video Dance Attack night (and actually dancing)
  10. Winning Audience Haiku at LiveWire! [and being hailed as having "excellent penmanship" - a lifelong aspiration]
So be prepared for some pretty exciting UPlifting posts this month, people. And thanks for hanging around.