Sunday, February 15, 2009


Alternate titles: "Another Photo-Filled, Substance-Free Post" or "Potentially Fascinating Things You Might See Around Portland." You pick.

Checked in at swanky, boutique-y Hotel Modera

(Side note: Because we are prone to traveling misadventures, even in the city six miles from our house, we walked completely around the block to find the hotel lobby; what we thought was an entrance turned out to be the still-under-construction restaurant - imagine my minor freakout thinking the hotel I thought I'd booked ON VALENTINE'S DAY was not actually open yet)

Yes, I kind of was in the actual street
but luckily did not get hit by this cab

These are Benson Bubblers and never fail
to refresh and/or amuse

Lunch at Pastini, where we indulged in our weird pasttime
reading personal ads aloud to each other

The tattoo comes out for date night

Air shark

[Insert wine tasting & delightful French film here]

Welcome to Veritable Quandary!
Shirt & shoes required for everyone not attached to the wall

Bacon-wrapped, cheese & almond stuffed date, ahoy!

This chandelier made me happy[er]

The morning after

(This throw made me giddy every time I touched it -
a delectable fake fur offered by our hotel as an 'amenity'
for a mere $200; alas I did not bring it home)

Au revoir, mis amis.