How can I resist someone who calls herself Tootsie Farklepants (even in Glamour magazine comments) when she asks me to reveal my weirdness? Even after I've already scared up some peculiarities for List #1 & List #2, there is always something more to be said.
RULES: List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs [this will not happen here; play if you want - post your link in comments].
- When playing "school" as a kid, I would make rosters of actual first & last names for my imaginary students (always 28, my favorite number) and call roll.
- I get inordinately excited about playing Scattergories.
- If I didn't have other obligations (and the mothers of waiting children weren't glaring at me), I could sit & swing at a park for hours.
- I dislike Jethro Tull with all of my heart.
- After seeing The Exorcist when I was 10, I felt pretty sure Satan was going to possess me if ever I wanted to skip Sunday School.
- I watched The Exorcist when I was 10 and am considered a rather well-adjusted individual.
- While working at a drug store in college, I met Drew Bledsoe and wrote out his check for him because his hand was injured (the weirdest part here: I still tell this story 17 years later as though it has some kind of special meaning).

We had a connection...