So I just randomly came upon the information that today is my first Second Husband's birthday. And my cousin happened to send me this in an e-mail yesterday:

Serendipitous, no?
May I just say, I really do admire Mr. Wahlberg's acting skills as much as his package unfreakingbelievable chest handsome face. Don't laugh.
His performance was amazing in Renaissance Man

Soulfully provocative in Boogie Nights

Brilliant in The Italian Job

Inspiring in Invincible
Intense in Shooter
More intensity
You get the idea. But really? I cannot resist posting this, even though he asked in his Actor's Studio interview if "Marky Mark" could count as his least favorite word. I am compelled.
So happy, happy birthday, dear Mr. Wahlberg.
P. S. My First Husband has as many desirable traits as my Second Husband. He just doesn't act.