Mary Jane - it's a smart-looking shoe and a delicious molasses & peanut butter let's-pull-out-our-fillings treat. And when you introduce them to teenagers for a sensory writing assignment, you remember it's also a fun nickname for a particular smokable item and hilarity ensues.

I'm not sure I really loved the flavor of Squirt so much, but every few weeks I got to go with my grandpa to pick up pop [this is what Northwest people call it, because 'soda' is something else entirely; however, I will fight this battle another day] for the machine in his wrecking yard. Coke & Dr. Pepper were actually my favorites but I liked to mix up the look of the bottle caps peeking from their little pockets so I would pick out some orange (which I hated) & grape (double blech) Fanta, and the bright happy yellow-capped Squirt. What?
This product brought me into my own. I was not an athlete (surprise!) and had no real visible talents other than raising my hand with the right answer, which I tried not to do very often because, well, I was trying to avoid the Nerd Girl label (didn't work). Anyway. Blowing giant bubbles that obscured my face proved too easy; it was the bubble-in-a-bubble-in-a-bubble that made me a legend [in my own mind].And then these. I realize my profession of love for chocolate has become legendary, but the vanilla-flavored Tootsie Roll is a heavenly delight. I will steal them from my children's Halloween buckets.
Mrs. G & I share the fondness for Bit-O-Honey (but only when I couldn't get Mary Janes) and Tang, though I totally wanted to drink it because of the astronauts.
So you know, also? I am not a completely cruel nut who won't let my children experience the decadence of horrific foods - they have been allowed to partake of radioactive powder in a pouch Fun Dip, precursor of radioactive powder, in a paper tube Pixie Sticks, and even *gasp* don't eat them with Coke or your stomach will blow up! nuggets Pop Rocks. I'm not quite ready for this nonsense though. I think I'd rather them have a pack of these babies in their back pockets: